Top 10k strings from Black Hawk (1984)(Creative Sparks).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /

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   2 ________________________________
   2 0`````````
   1 yet developed..the BLACK HAWK.  
   1 will be a tutorial on the Black 
   1 the relentless onslaught of     
   1 the fastest, to avoid or destroy
   1 sophisticated and deadly plane  
   1 pppppppp  
   1 missiles, planes, helicopters   
   1 landing strips.                 
   1 and more besides.               
   1 and destroy enemy installations 
   1 You will be flying the most     
   1 Xg6 #6"#6 
   1 We are depending on you.........
   1 OOOOOOOOOOOrrrrrrrpppppppvppNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOrrrrrrrsppppppppppppNNNNNOOOOOOOrrrrrrrppppppppppppppppppNHNNNNNpppppppppppppppppppppppppNNNNNNN
   1 JJJJJJJJJJJJJhooohhooohoVJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJjjhhhhhhooojhhhkhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmjjjhhhhhhoojhhhhkhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmhhhhhhhhhoojhhhkkkhhhmmmmmmmmmmmhhhhhhhhhhoohhhkkkkkhmmmmmmmmjhjjhhhhhjjhhoohhhokkkkhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhohoooohhkkhhhjjhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjjojohoohhhhhjhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhholllhohjhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhholhlhohjjhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhholllllljjjhhhhhhhjhhjjjhhhhhhhhholllllljrjjjhhhhhjjjjjhhhhhhhhlllvnlllljjjhhhhhhhjjrjjhhhhhhlllllvpnnnhhhhhhhhhhhjjjjhhhlllllllllvvvsvnhhhhhhhhhhjjjjhhllllllllllprrrrrNNNN
   1 INTELLIGENCE REPORTS     PAGE 5.******Black Hawk tutorial.******Additional weaponry.            X CANNON.                       This is a rapid firing version  of the standard issue Black Hawkcannon.                         ________________________________BLITVIG.                        The electromagnetic pulse from  this ultimate attack weapon willdestroy all enemy units visible.PRESS B TO ACTIVATE.            ________________________________WILD WEASEL.                    This will render the Black Hawk invulnerable for 5 seconds. The computer representation of your aircraft will turn red while    this is active.                 PRESS N TO ACTIVATE.                                             **END OF MESSAGE *************                                 
   1 INTELLIGENCE REPORTS     PAGE 4.******Black Hawk tutorial.******Additional weaponry #2.         E.C.M. POD.                     This is an advanced electronic  counter measure. It detects the electromagnetic emanations from the otherwise concealed enemy   radar posts.                    These signals are decoded and   displayed on your screen as one of four animated icons.         1/ SQUARE can cause 0 to 3 tanks2/ ROUND can cause 0 to 3       helicopters.                    3/ TRIANGLE can cause 0 to 3    ground attack aircraft.         4/ ROTATING RECTANGLE ON POST   can cause 1 or 2 Jets.          It is thought that any of these radars can be responsible for   the launching of heat seeking   missiles.                        more follows.....-> -> -> ->>  
   1 INTELLIGENCE REPORTS     PAGE 3.******Black Hawk tutorial.******Additional weaponry.                                            O.T.P.F         WEAPON.           20%           E.C.M. POD        30%           X CANNON          40%           1 BLITVIG         60%           WILD WEASEL                                       50%           2 BLITVIGS        60%           3 BLITVIGS        70%           4 BLITVIGS                                      ________________________________                                Pages 4 & 5 will reveal the use of these weapons........                                                                                                                                         more follows.....-> -> -> ->>                                  
   1 INTELLIGENCE REPORTS     PAGE 2.******Black Hawk tutorial.******Strategic loss factor.          On-target percentage figure.    The on board computer has been  programmed to record and        evaluate your successful hits onenemy ground targets and hostileunits. Any hit increases your   Strategic Loss Factor by an     increment relating to the       strategic value of that unit.   In addition, the percentage of  hits on ground targets related  to missiles launched will be    recorded. This value can entitleyou to additional weaponry for  use on the next mission. See    Pages 3,4 & 5 of this report fortechnical information on these  weapons.                                                         more follows.....-> -> -> ->>                                  
   1 Hawk's systems.                 
   1 Following this message, there   
   1 DEADLIEST mission ..............
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 CREATIVE SPARKS PRESENTS...                                             BLACK HAWK.                                             
   1 CENTRE........................  
   1 BlackHawk 
   1 BHs       
   1 BHc       0u
   1 BE VIGILANT for the unexpected. 
   1 @@@@@@@@        
   1 22ZZ22ZZ--UU--PU((FF((FF(
   1 1984THORN EMI Computer Software                                Press P to Play....                                             Press O to select joystick..                                    Current selection....           Keyboard                        Kempston joystick               Sinclair joystick               Protek joystick                 A.G.F. joystick                 Fuller joystick                                                 Press Y to change skill level..                                 ROOKIE                          HONCHO                          $                                  APPROACHING ENEMY COASTLINE.  $                                   SLF:            HI SLF:                                       BONUS:             LIVES:                                               ON-TARGET:   %         $Press P or FIRE to start mission$     Press P to start game.      Press Y to reset skill level.  $  BLACK HAWK HONCHO MISSION:    $  BLACK HAWK ROOKIE MISSION:   $MISSION INTERRUPTED...   
   1 0p```````a
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   1 ..particularly the makeshift    
   1 .....This must be the world's   
   1 ......Your reactions have to be 
   1 ......The mission is to seek out
   1 $INTELLIGENCE REPORTS     PAGE 1.******Black Hawk tutorial.******The Black Hawk's advanced       on-board computer system will   automatically select the attack screen or the defence screen.   The attack screen gives graphic representations of the enemy    units and targets within range  of the Black Hawk guided missilesystem. Any hostile units       penetrating the bottom of the   attack screen will cause the    computer to select the defence  screen. This enables the pilot  to utilise the cannons in order to knock out the aggressors and continue the mission.              For information on controls,  please refer to the enclosed   documentation.                                                   more follows.....-> -> -> ->>                                  
   1        E.C.M. POD FITTED        $         XCANNON FITTED         $         BLITVIG FITTED         $       WILD WEASEL FITTED       $
   1         ** GAME OVER ** $!]
   1          L